A little town is in a forest and is surrounded by a wild forest fire. The town needs your help to take out the fire by flying a plane and dropping water on the flames. 


Programmer: Mason 

Level Design: Sam 

UI/UX: Yasub

Art: Leo 

Game features 

Player Controls/ gameplay: Player controls the plane by using the mouse and holding left quick to direct the plane. To drop water on the fire use the space bar, player can hold to drop lots or click to drop little amounts. Player will have only a limited amount of water and will have to reload the plane with water by flying over tot the water area. the player loses the game when the timer runs and the player has not taken out all the fires. 

UI/UX:  Our goal was to make a friendly and simple UI for the user to enjoy. As all video games we have our main menu with a start button and a quit button as well but we also implemented a pause button that will bring up options for the player that include a resume, restart, and a return home button. We plan to add a level complete transition as well as a end game menu. 

Level design: Our game includes 3 fun and unique levels and each level gets increasingly harder with more flames and less time. We also have plans to add an intro level to get the player comfortable with the controls and goal of the game. 

Art Design: All assets were taken from the asset store but we wanted to find fun and cute looking assets.  

Shoutout to the assets we used:

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